Community Planning

WCCOG has planning expertise across a range of local and regional planning areas - current services include:

Local Comprehensive Planning

WCCOG has helped the majority of Washington County towns with meeting the requirements of the Maine's Growth Management Act. The latest tool to assist Washington County communities, funded by the GROWashington-Aroostook Regional Planning Project, brings the full power of GIS mapping to all Washington County municipalities....with an Internet connection each municipality can access:

On-line GIS Maps:

Regular online mapping users TAKE NOTE:  Please open no more than 3 online maps at a time and remember to close them when you are done. Leaving the online maps open or opening 20 at a time (it has happened!) crashes the system for other users ~ Thanks for your cooperation!!

Please take our 5-minute User Feedback Survey — help us improve the online mapping tools and training resources — Thanks!

In addition to assisting communities develop Comprehensive Plans, WCCOG staff provides consultation on the State Subdivision Legislation, State Shoreland Zoning Regulations, Growth Management Legislation, general land use, municipal ordinances and Floodplain Management.  

Regional Planning

Washington County municipalities are strongest when we work together. WCCOG has completed many regional planning initiatives in transportation corridor planning, brownfields assessment, tourism development and local food system support. These are described and linked on the Regional Planning page.

Unorganized Territories Planning

Community Guided Planning and Zoning in the Washington County Unorganized Territories.

Topic Specific Local Planning

WCCOG also assist municipalities with planning for harbors, physical activity and energy:

Trainings & Workshops  

WCCOG periodically hosts workshops and trainings for planning board members and code enforcement officers.

Upcoming training and workshops are posted to the Training News Feed

WCCOG staff are also available to conduct on-demand trainings for planning boards for member municipalities.