Check-in will be in the Park Headquarters on Park Access Road from 8:30 am to 9:00 am. Carpooling is recommended because of limited parking.

After visiting field sites in the morning, participants will travel to Songo Beach for a 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm discussion of the sites and soils by state, local and federal regulators and experts. For a map of workshop sites, click here.

Lunch is on your own. There are a number of excellent places to enjoy your lunch.

Experts as well as State, local, Portland Water District and Federal Regulators will be present to answer questions and provide valuable guidance for dealing with these difficult sites and soils.

See attached document for more details and to register.

The cost of the workshop is $35.00 for MAPSS/MAWS/MASE/SSSNNE members or associate members and $40.00 for all others.  
Please register by August 26. Check for background information and updates.

If you have any questions about the workshop, call Dave Rocque at 287-2666 or send him an e-mail at