Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning 

WCCOG has completed bicycle and pedestrian needs assessments and walkability audits throughout Washington County.  

In 2017, WCCOG conducted a status update to these plans from a regional perspective, and conducted an audit of walking programs directed toward senior residents.

WCCOG also works with partners on planning, facilities and management of the Downeast Sunrise Trail as well as routing alternatives for the East Coast Greenway.

The Milbridge Downtown Walkability Audit Report (PDF, 3.5 MB) 06/30/2009 inventories existing pedestrian infrastructure in downtown Milbridge, identifies safety concerns and other barriers to pedestrian mobility, and makes several basic recommendations for overcoming these challenges.

Milbridge Downtown Walkability Audit Appendices A-D

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Calais Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment

Calais Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment (PDF, 2.1 MB) 09/15/2009

Calais Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Maps (PDF'S)
Map 1 (285 KB) Map 2 (161 KB) Map 3   (7.6 MB) Map 4   (968 KB)
Regional and City Center Views Sidewalk Conditions Sidewalks and Crosswalks ADA Accessibility

Machias Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment

Machias Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment (PDF, 772 KB) 12/15/2009
Machias Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment, Appendix A (PDF, 1.8 MB) 12/15/2009

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Lubec Walkability Assessment

Appendix D, Lubec 2010 Comprehensive Plan Update (PDF'S) pages 1-4 (6.6 MB); pages 5-8 (6.7 MB); pages 9-12 (8 MB); pages 12-16 (4.9 MB)

In 2013 a Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment was prepared for the Town of Lubec. It incorporates the Walkability Assessment prepared in 2010 and adds a review of conditions for bicycling as well as recommendations for improvements for pedestrians and cyclists alike.

Town of Lubec Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment - Report Cover

Town of Lubec Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment - Report Text (15 pages)

Appendix A - Maps List

Map 1 - Origins and Destinations (1.2MB)

Map 2 - Current Sidewalk Conditions & Obstructions (1MB)

Map 3 - Current Bicycle Infrastructure Conditions (1.1MB)

Map 4 - Walkability & Bikeability of Recommended Routes (1.1MB)

Appendix B - Photographic Inventory of Sidewalk and Shoulder Obstructions (File size exceeds 50MB; copies provided to municipality; please contact WCCOG Planner Crystal Hitchings if you need a digital or paper copy)

Appendix C - Inventory of all Sidewalk Conditions

Six Villages Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Plan

WCCOG prepared  a Village Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Plan (PDF, 1.9 MB)(June 22, 2011) for the six communities of Cherryfield, Harrington, Columbia Falls, Whitneyville, East Machias and Dennysville.

Village areas in these six communities in Washington County, Maine were selected for inclusion in this plan due to their location on or along the Down East Sunrise Trail. The Sunrise Trail is an 85-mile, off-road, multi-use trail between Ayers Junction in Charlotte, Maine and Washington Junction in Hancock, Maine.

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City of Eastport - Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment

A Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment was prepared for the City of Eastport in the summer of 2013 to support the Eastport Sprocket Society in their efforts to enhance the walking and bicycling experience of residents, especially school children, and visitors alike.

City of Eastport Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment - Report Cover

City of Eastport Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment - Report Text (17 pages)

Appendix A - Maps List

Map 1 - Origins and Destinations (1MB)

Map 2 - Current Sidewalk Conditions & Obstructions (1MB)

Map 3 - Current Bicycle Infrastructure Conditions (1MB)

Map 4 - Walkability & Bikeability of Recommended Routes (1.1MB)

Appendix B - Photographic Inventory of Sidewalk and Shoulder Obstructions (File size exceeds 150MB; copies provided to municipality; please contact WCCOG Planner Crystal Hitchings if you need a digital or paper copy)

Appendix C - Inventory of all Sidewalk Conditions

Routing Study for Potential/Alternative Trail Connections Between Pleasant Point and Eastport

WCCOG prepared a Routing Study for Potential/Alternative Trail Connections Between Pleasant Point and Eastport (PDF, 401 KB)      (October 11, 2012).  This document is currently in DRAFT form and is awaiting review and recommendation by the City of Eastport.  The associated maps and photos can be found at the following links:

Routing Study Maps (PDF'S)
  Map 1 (862 KB)    Map 2 (461 KB)  Map 3 (316 KB) Map 4 (825 KB)  Map 5 (409 KB)  Map 6 (1.5 MB)
Overview of Alternatives Origins & Destinations Carlow Island Conditions Carlow Island Ownership Quoddy Village Conditions Quoddy Village Ownership
 Map 7  (470 KB) Map 8   (1.3 MB) Map 9 (751 KB) Map 10 (989 KB)  Map 11 (477 KB) Map 12 (1.5 MB)
Redoubt Hill Conditions Redoubt Hill Ownership Redoubt Hill Bypass #1 Redoubt Hill Bypass #2 Downtown Conditions Downtown Ownership
Routing Study Photo Index (PDF'S)
Index 1 (320 KB) Index 2 (376 KB) Index 3 (399 KB) Index 3A (395 KB) Index 4  (344 KB)
Carlow Island Quoddy Village Redoubt Hill Redoubt Hill Downtown

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Downeast Sunrise Trail & the East Coast Greenway 

The Downeast Sunrise Trail is a 80-mile off-road trail from Ayer's Junction in Charlotte to Washington Junction in Ellsworth.

The East Coast Greenway is envisioned as an off-road urban trail connecting Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida. Completion of the Down East Sunrise Trail will create the single longest stretch of off-road trail along the East Coast Greenway in Maine.

WCCOG has worked with the Maine DOT, DOC, Sunrise Trail Coalition and East Coast Greenway to review and prepare regional routing studies and trail assessment associated with the Sunrise Trail and East Coast Greenway segments in Washington County.

Routing Study for Trail Connections Between Calais and Ayers Junction (PDF, 1.5 MB) 08/17/2007
Sunrise Trail Trailhead Assessment (PDF, 1.1 MB) 08/13/2007

Download the Complete Streets presentation here provided by Nancy Grant of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine provided to the WCCOG Executive Committee on August 25, 2014.

Download The Best Complete Streets Policies of 2012 from Smart Growth America.

Please contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) office with feedback or comments.