Local Comprehensive Planning
Comprehensive Plan Library
- Addison Comprehensive Plan
- Alexander Comprehensive Plan
- Baileyville Comprehensive Plan
- Beals Comprehensive Plan
- Beddington Comprehensive Plan
- Calais Comprehensive Plan
- Cherryfield Comprehensive Plan
- Columbia Comprehensive Plan
- Cooper Comprehensive Plan
- Dennysville Comprehensive Plan
- Eastport Comp Plan Update 2018
- Eastport Comprehensive Plan
- Harrington Comprehensive Plan
- Harrington Harbor Management Plan
- Indian Township Comprehensive Plan
- Jonesboro Comprehensive Plan
- Jonesport Comprehensive Plan
- Lubec Comprehensive Plan
- Machias Comprehensive Plan
- Machiasport Comprehensive Plan
- Machiasport Harbor Management Plan
- Milbridge Comprehensive Plan
- Northfield Comprehensive Plan
- Pembroke Harbor Management Ordinance
- Perry and Pembroke Comprehensive Plan
- Princeton Comprehensive Plan
- Whiting Comp Plan Update 2017-18
- Whiting Comprehensive Plan
- Whitneyville Comprehensive Plan
WCCOG has helped the majority of Washington County towns with meeting the requirements of the Maine's Growth Management Act. The latest tool to assist Washington County communities, funded by the GROWashington-Aroostook Regional Planning Project, brings the full power of GIS mapping to all Washington County municipalities....with an Internet connection each municipality can access:
On-line GIS Maps:
- Status of municipal Comprehensive Plans relative to the Growth Management Act
- Public Parcel Viewer
- Planners Maps
- Instruction Guides
- Instructional Videos for Beginner/Intermediate Users and for Advanced Users
- Town- and Bay-Specific Storm Surge Scenarios for coastal Washington County
If your town has questions about the local Comprehensive Planning process you can download materials below or contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) offices to answer your questions.
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Dec 31, 2012 Deadline for expiration of consistency with the Growth Management Act
- Answer questions about the Comprehensive Planning process, Maine's Growth Management Act and other land use legislation
- Prepare a Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive Plan Update
- Provide training for Planning Boards through regional workshops and/or customized sessions
- Develop a Community Vision and/or facilitate a Community Visioning process
- GIS mapping services to support a community planning effort or individual regulatory review
Click here to find out more about WCCOG's Comprehensive Plan Services.
In addition to assisting communities develop Comprehensive Plans, WCCOG staff provides consultation on the State Subdivision Legislation, State Shoreland Zoning Regulations, Growth Management Legislation, general land use, municipal ordinances and Floodplain Management.
WCCOG also assist municipalities with planning for harbors, physical activity and energy:
Trainings & Workshops
WCCOG periodically hosts workshops and trainings for planning board members and code enforcement officers.
Upcoming training and workshops are posted to the Training News Feed.
WCCOG staff are also available to conduct on-demand trainings for planning boards for member municipalities.