Solid Waste Management
Paint Recycling
Sherwin Williams is teaming up with the Maine Paint Stewardship Program to offer recycling of any brand of used paints, stains, and varnishes near you. In Washington County, you can bring your used paint, up to 5 gallons per visit, to the Sherwin Williams located at 305 North Street in Calais.
To learn more about recycling paint in Maine, download the Maine Paint Stewardship Program brochure here.
In 2010, WCCOG obtained a $42,385.00 Solid Waste Management Grant from the Rural Utilities Service of the USDA. These funds allowed WCCOG to:
work with residents, transfer station managers and municipalities to develop programs to permanently increase recycling rates in Washington County.
organize three collections of household hazardous waste, and two collections of universal waste resulting in the collection of 3 56-long tractor trailer loads of universal waste and the following tally of household hazardous waste:
Flammable solids (moth balls) | 5 pounds |
Dangerous when wet sodium chunk | 1 pound |
cyanide | 2 pounds |
mercury devices | 10 pounds |
Oxidizers | 6 pounds |
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Betsy Fitzgerald, Washington County Manager
Milan Jamieson, Marion Transfer Station
James Loughlin, Baileyville Regional Transfer Station
Robert Grant, Pleasant River Transfer Station
John Spinney, Town Perry
Linda Pagels-Wentworth, Town of Baileyville
Marion Recycling Center Feasibility Study
In December 2010, WCCOG staff worked with the Board of the Marion Transfer Station to obtain a Planning Grant through the Washington County TIF Fund. The objective of the Feasibility Study is to assist the Marion Board in making a decision about whether or not to expand recycling operation at the Transfer Station.
As part of that work WCCOG issued a Request for Proposals (issued week of Aug 8-13; due September 10, 2011) for a qualified civil engineering firm to prepare a conceptual site plan and preliminary cost estimates for the proposed regional recycling facility on the grounds of the Marion Transfer Station in Marion Township, Maine. The work was completed in December, 2011 by CES Inc. and can be downloaded here:
For more information, please contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) office.