Small Community Grant Program
Maine DEP has issued the invitation to municipalities to apply for septic system replacement grant funds through the Small Community Grant Program. WCCOG staff will assist municipalities and the DEP in administering the program by providing technical support to municipalities and conducting field inspections for eligibility.
The Small Community Grant Program is a water pollution control program that may provide financial and technical assistance to towns to help replace malfunctioning septic systems that are polluting a waterbody or causing a public nuisance. The goal of the small community grant program is to improve water quality, protect public health, and open shellfishing areas which are affected by wastewater discharges. The highest priority is given to problems which are polluting a public drinking water supply or a shellfishing area.
Only problems which are directly or indirectly discharging sewage to a water body of the state, or are causing a public health problem, are eligible for grant assistance. An actual pollution problem must be documented in order to qualify for funding. DEP grants are not available to provide septic systems for new homes, and any home constructed since October, 1974 must show evidence that a septic system was previously installed which complied with the Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules.
Grants for 25 to 100% of the replacement costs of a year round residence, 25% to 50% of a business, and 25% to 50% of a seasonal or second home are available for qualifying systems, depending upon the income of the owners of the property. Individual families may qualify for the grant program if their federal taxable income for the previous year was $40,000 or less. Commercial establishments may qualify if their gross profit for the previous year was $100,000 or less. Potential applicants are not eligible for grant assistance if their income exceeds these figures, although technical assistance is available to anyone.
Participants in the program are required to grant an easement to the town allowing construction and inspection of the system.
Click Below for program requirements, frequently asked questions and the application form.
Small Community Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions
Small Community Grant Program Handbook
Small Community Grant Program Application Form
For more information, please contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) office.