Downeast Sunrise Trail Planning 

WCCOG  works with interested in communities to prepared bicycle and pedestrian needs assessments and walkability audits either as standing alone documents or as components of a Comprehensive Plan.  

Please click here to download several bicycle and pedestrian assessments and walkability audits completed by WCCOG for the cities of Calais and Eastport, and the towns of Milbridge, Machias, and Lubec.

On this page we have posted several additional Bicycle and Pedestrian studies that support development of, and linkages to the Downeast Sunrise Trail.

Downeast Sunrise Trail & the East Coast Greenway 

The Downeast Sunrise Trail is a 80-mile off-road trail from Ayer's Junction in Charlotte to Washington Junction in Ellsworth.

The East Coast Greenway is envisioned as an off-road urban trail connecting Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida. Completion of the Down East Sunrise Trail will create the single longest stretch of off-road trail along the East Coast Greenway in Maine.

WCCOG has worked with the Maine DOT, DOC, Sunrise Trail Coalition and East Coast Greenway to review and prepare regional routing studies and trail assessment associated with the Sunrise Trail and East Coast Greenway segments in Washington County.

Routing Study for Trail Connections Between Calais and Ayers Junction (PDF, 1.5 MB) 08/17/2007
Sunrise Trail Trailhead Assessment (PDF, 1.1 MB) 08/13/2007

Village Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Plan

WCCOG prepared a Village Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Plan (PDF, 1.9 MB)(June 22, 2011) for the six communities of Cherryfield, Harrington, Columbia Falls, Whitneyville, East Machias and Dennysville. Village areas in these six communities in Washington County, Maine were selected for inclusion in this plan due to their location on or along the Down East Sunrise Trail. The Sunrise Trail is an 85-mile, off-road, multi-use trail between Ayers Junction in Charlotte, Maine and Washington Junction in Hancock, Maine.


Please contact the Calais (207-454-0465) or Milbridge (207-546-3600) office with feedback or comments.